Wednesday, October 6, 2010

So much for a tune-up!

image One of those lousy days today. Starts well, but within minutes, goes downhill. Yesterday, I got my car serviced, got a tune up and all. Started my car and immediately noticed the change post-tune-up. Felt very nice. I drive my car to get to work. Am waiting at a major signal, so as usual, I turn off the engine. Am very happy (for a change) because I’m the first in line to shoot off once the light goes green. And when it does…the car won’t start! Damn!

So, off go the honks. People cursing from behind to move my car. I show them the finger and tell them “why don’t you help me push it aside?” No one stops. They just cut in to the other lane and drive off, honking!

I pop the hood and see if I can fix something. Push some cables here and there and give it another shot. Starts….but again dies down. A courteous traffic constable comes along to help manage the traffic around my car. He even helps me push my car aside. Thanks a lot courteous traffic constable. He disappeared before I could thank him and even get his name. Back to work, I suppose.

Now, I have to hunt for a mechanic. It’s 9 AM. I knew I was in trouble. Mechanics usually start their day after 10. I still roam around a bit pushing my luck. None whatsoever! Finally, I notice a large gas station-cum-service center. Delighted, I walk up to them and ask for help and they send a person with me to take a look.

It turns out, the oil’s leaking, the coolant’s leaking and one of the wires / cables from the engine is bad and needs to be replaced. So much for an oil change and tune-up!

So, its at the service center for 2 days, not to mention the bill that I’ll have to pay tomorrow. Damn!!!

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