Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Chief Rotadu (CR) is frustrating me

First he says Rotadu ka identity is confidential, so one rotadu doesnt know another. Irony - CR knows all rotadus and some rotadus know some other rotadus as well. So rule 1 is anyway partially broken.
Now in the middle of the night CR tells me that someone likes your posts...now CR wants to show authority and refuses to share active feedback and refuses to tell me who that someone is who likes the posts. So in essense CR is keeping himself motivated and entertained and frustrating rotadus! Now that is being a sadist! Cribbin is an art and has to be executed with precision such that it's cotton cutting through your skin...ugh..whatever it means. And do it effectively there has to be active and positive encouragement.
Point being, CR is unfair n irritating me in the middle of the night and has the nerve to laugh. CR should be change to Sadist Rotadu :D :D :D
Ok enough...CR...mera number aayega...iska hisaab milega...barabar milega... (don't know how to get the gabbar depth and (width) in the text...but imagine gabbar said it).

1 comment:

  1. Yep I agree.. CR has now agreed to have a vote. I told CR that knowing the who's who amongst fellow rotadus should be ok. Else I am thinking that all fellow rotadus.. BR, LBR, KR, MR, BR and RD should rebel and revolt and change CR to SR.
